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Biograf 2022/75
Starostlivosť v demokracii a starostlivá demokracie
Veronika Valkovičová
Caring in democracy and caring democracy
The monograph Care ethics, democratic citizenship and the state is a result of collective effort of scholars from various academic fields who employ the perspectives of feminist care ethics to the problems arising in different geographical locations and contexts. As they address recent issues of political theory, public policies, and bureaucratic organisations, the authors discuss the concept of democratic caring state and criticise neoliberalising tendencies of the current political systems. The book is divided into two parts: the first is dedicated to the political theory of care, while the second branches into the areas of education, migration or social services.
Klíčová slova:
care work; care ethics; democracy; political theory; justice.
URBAN, P. / WARD, L., eds. (2020): Care ethics, democratic citizenship and the state. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 318 stran. ISBN 978-3-030-41436-8.
Témata Biografu:
Péče a údržba
Citujte jako:
VALKOVIČOVÁ, V. (2022): Starostlivosť v demokracii a starostlivá demokracie.
Biograf (75-76): 11 odst. Dostupné na adrese [naposledy navštíveno 16. 09. 2024]
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