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Editorial notices


journal for qualitative research

ISSN 1211-5770
Registration code MK ČR: E 8364
Published by the civil association Casopis Biograf
Krompach 26, 47157
ICO: 27003213
Two issues per year.
Editor-in-chief: Barbora Spalová (

Text detail

Biograf 2008/46

The first presidential duel in the Czech Republic

Kateřina Černá

The first presidential duel in the Czech Republic

This paper observes the social relations in interaction, the negotiation of participant’s positions in dialogue. Through the communicative practices (e. g. category work, ascribing the roles, activities and stance setting) the speaker takes position and sets positions, which both need to be ratified from others. If the previous speaker has proposed the submissive position to the next one, the next speaker could change his position thanks to his own consequent communicative activities. The efficient communicative strategy seems to be the rejection of pre-given position and new self positioning (e.g. through reformulation of previous speech). The appropriate communicative activity to get supremacy over the discourse seems to be evaluation of previous speaker and his speech.


communication studies; conversation analysis; discourse analysis; social psychology; authority; communicative practices

Biograf themes:

Ethnomethodology and CA; Politics, power and dominance


ČERNÁ, K. (2008): První mediální souboj prezidentských kandidátů v Čechách [The first presidential duel in the Czech Republic]. Biograf (46): 86 paragraphs. Available at [last access22. 10. 2024]

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