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Editorial notices


journal for qualitative research

ISSN 1211-5770
Registration code MK ČR: E 8364
Published by the civil association Casopis Biograf
Krompach 26, 47157
ICO: 27003213
Two issues per year.
Editor-in-chief: Barbora Spalová (

Text detail

Biograf 2008/46

Perspectives and hardships of applied anthropology in the Czech Republic: Contribution to the discussion on research of a controversial issue

Tomáš Hirt

Associated with texts:

Debate of Biograf on the state of art of the social science research of Roma issues: participant reflections on the politics of Roma research.

KOBES, T. (2008): Několik poznámek k hypertrofii závěrů sociálně-vědného výzkumu romské problematiky do politického diskurzu [Several notes about hypertrophy of research results in Romani issue to the political discourse]. Biograf (45): 10 paragraphs. Available at

JAKOUBEK, M. / BUDILOVÁ, L. (2008): Mandel poznámek k současnému stavu výzkumu Cikánů/Romů v ČR [A handful of notes on the current social science research of Gipsies/Roma people in the Czech Republic]. Biograf (45): 25 paragraphs. Available at

Biograf themes:

Roma people and Roma issues


HIRT, T. (2008): Výhledy a útrapy aplikované antropologie v ČR: Příspěvek k debatě o výzkumu jedné sporné problematiky [Perspectives and hardships of applied anthropology in the Czech Republic: Contribution to the discussion on research of a controversial issue]. Biograf (46): 23 paragraphs. Available at [last access22. 10. 2024]

[discussion in Czech or Slovak] [full text in Czech or Slovak - only for subscribers