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Editorial notices


journal for qualitative research

ISSN 1211-5770
Registration code MK ČR: E 8364
Published by the civil association Casopis Biograf
Krompach 26, 47157
ICO: 27003213
Two issues per year.
Editor-in-chief: Barbora Spalová (

Text detail

Biograf 2008/46

"Sorge um die Seele": Incorporating officers from post-migration backgrounds in the German police

Barbara Thériault

"Sorge um die Seele": Incorporating officers from post-migration backgrounds in the German police

The aim of this article is primarily a pragmatic one: to analyze police work by investigating the ways diversity is dealt with in the civil service in Germany, a country often described as hostile to diversity. In doing so from the standpoint of the police officers who contribute, through their work, in educating, recruiting, and counseling officers from post-migration backgrounds, the article sheds light on how change happens within the organization. At the center of this article is an ideal-type of one of the ways, or techniques, drawn upon when dealing with diversity in the police.


police; diversity; Germany; Max Weber

Translated from original:

THERIAULT, B. (2008): "Sorge um die Seele": Incorporating officers from post migration backgrounds in the German police. Eurostudia, 4 (1). Available at Last accessed 20. 12. 2008

Biograf themes:

Majorities, minorities and marginality; Ethnicity and nation; Migration, immigration, refugees


THÉRIAULT, B. (2008): "Sorge um die Seele": Začleňovanie policajtov s poprisťahovaleckým pôvodom do nemeckej polície ["Sorge um die Seele": Incorporating officers from post-migration backgrounds in the German police]. Biograf (46): 35 paragraphs. Available at [last access22. 10. 2024]


Redakcia Biografu ďakuje redakcii Eurostudia a autorke za súhlas s publikovaním prekladu článku v novej podobe po úprave a rozšírení na základe dvoch anonymných recenzných posudkov časopisu Biograf / Editors of Biograf thank to the author and the editors of the Eurostudia journal for their kind permission to publish this reworked and extended version of the original article, which resulted out of the Biograf standard peer-review review process.

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