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Biograf 2022/75
Care as an attempt to do something good: Studying normativity in practices of health care and research
Care as an attempt to do something good: Studying normativity in practices of health care and research
care practices; ethnography; intranormativity; re-scription; health care research.
Michal SynekBiograf themes:
Medicine and health; Anthropology and ethnography; Care and maintenanceCitation:
POLS, J. (2022): Péče coby snaha udělat něco dobrého: Výzkum normativity v praktikách zdravotní péče a výzkumu [Care as an attempt to do something good: Studying normativity in practices of health care and research]. Biograf (75-76): 49 paragraphs. Available at http://www.biograf.org/clanek.html?id=1097 [last access04. 10. 2024]Acknowledgement:
Text je překladem rané verze kapitoly nazvané „Care as an attempt to do something good“, připravované k vydání coby součást sborníku Traces of care, editovaného Lauren Cubellis a Rebeccou Lester (Cubellis & Lester: forthcoming). Překladatel děkuje autorce a nakladateli za laskavé svolení a pomoc s překladem.[discussion in Czech or Slovak] [full text in Czech or Slovak - free]