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Biograf 2022/75
„Tak musí být ta rovnováha ve vesmíru“: O přátelství v kvalitativním výzkumu
Hana Porkertová
There must be balance in the universe: Friendship and qualitative research
Drawing on interviews and ethnographic research that grew into a deeper relationship with some of the communication partners, the article discusses interweaving of qualitative research and friendship. Making close friends while doing research is still rather uncommon and most methodological books advice to keep researchers and research participants demarcated, with clearly defined roles. In contrast, this article shows research as created in mutual heterogeneous connections of diverse elements, in which there are no clear borderlines not only between subjects and objects of study, but also between ‘friend’, ‘learner’, or ‘researcher’. At the same time, the article addresses the pitfalls associated with the intertwining of research and friendship. Rather than offering clear advice, it explores questions that researchers befriending their communication partners face.
Klíčová slova:
friendship; ethnography; research ethics; qualitative inquiry
Témata Biografu:
Antropologie a etnografie; Etické a právní otázky výzkumu
Citujte jako:
PORKERTOVÁ, H. (2022): „Tak musí být ta rovnováha ve vesmíru“: O přátelství v kvalitativním výzkumu.
Biograf (75-76): Dostupné na adrese
[naposledy navštíveno 06. 11. 2024]
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