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Editorial notices


journal for qualitative research

ISSN 1211-5770
Registration code MK ČR: E 8364
Published by the civil association Casopis Biograf
Krompach 26, 47157
ICO: 27003213
Two issues per year.
Editor-in-chief: Barbora Spalová (

Text detail

Biograf 2022/75

Cogs in the wheel of a not-so-good care

Jaroslava Hasmanová Marhánková

Cogs in the wheel of a not-so-good care

The paper reflects on the research presented in the article ‘A proper place? Practice of everyday and building maintenance in a “home for persons with health impairments”’. This text by Michal Synek, Dana Hradcová, and Radek Carboch has crucial implications for understanding of how residential social services in the Czech Republic operate and how the idea of what constitutes proper care is constructed. In this reflection, the polarisation between employees and clients, described in the paper, is questioned, and a critical evaluation of the means through which the employees of the residential institutions reshape their world is called for.


care; power; residential institution; resistance.

Associated with texts:

SYNEK, M. / HRADCOVÁ, D. / CARBOCH, R. (2022): Vlastní místo? Každodennost a údržba budovy v „domově pro osoby se zdravotním postižením“ [A proper place? Practice of everyday and building maintenance in a “home for persons with health impairments”].Biograf (75-76): 67 paragraphs. Available at

Biograf themes:

Everyday life and the ordinary; Medicine and health; Politics, power and dominance; Care and maintenance


HASMANOVÁ MARHÁNKOVÁ, J. (2022): Kolečka v soukolí ne tak dobré péče [Cogs in the wheel of a not-so-good care]. Biograf (75-76): 7 paragraphs. Available at [last access04. 10. 2024]

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