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Biograf 2022/75
Cogs in the wheel of a not-so-good care
Jaroslava Hasmanová Marhánková
Cogs in the wheel of a not-so-good care
care; power; residential institution; resistance.
Associated with texts:
SYNEK, M. / HRADCOVÁ, D. / CARBOCH, R. (2022): Vlastní místo? Každodennost a údržba budovy v „domově pro osoby se zdravotním postižením“ [A proper place? Practice of everyday and building maintenance in a “home for persons with health impairments”].Biograf (75-76): 67 paragraphs. Available at http://www.biograf.org/clanek.html?id=1099Biograf themes:
Everyday life and the ordinary; Medicine and health; Politics, power and dominance; Care and maintenanceCitation:
HASMANOVÁ MARHÁNKOVÁ, J. (2022): Kolečka v soukolí ne tak dobré péče [Cogs in the wheel of a not-so-good care]. Biograf (75-76): 7 paragraphs. Available at http://www.biograf.org/clanek.html?id=1100 [last access04. 10. 2024][discussion in Czech or Slovak] [full text in Czech or Slovak - only for subscribers