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Biograf 2021/73
Experiencing Chomoutov – interviews over photographs
Veronika Gigalová; Monika Abrhámová; Aksana Shytsikava; Darja Šoustková
Experiencing Chomoutov – interviews over photographs
The objective of this article is to reflect on the use of photoelicitation as a research method during the exploration of the identity of the inhabitants of Chomoutov, a suburban area of the city of Olomouc. The method was chosen in order to provide for a closer understanding of how people perceive the place where they live in their everyday lives perspective. Photoelicitation was the starting point for interpreting this perception in the context of the sociological conceptualization of place as “city” vs. “village”. During the elicitation interviews, photographs of Chomoutov created by both students of an arts school and the interviewees were used. The theoretical starting point was a phenomenological conception of place, which provided insight into the ambivalent – partly urban and partly rural – self-conception of people living in Chomoutov. The paper outlines how this research strategy has been successful and proposes directions in which the photoelicitation method can be developed in the most beneficial way.
photoelicitation; phenomenology; everyday life; city, countryside.
Biograf themes:
Visuality, visual media and research
GIGALOVÁ, V. / ABRHÁMOVÁ, M. / SHYTSIKAVA, A. / ŠOUSTKOVÁ, D.(2021): Žít Chomoutov – hovory nad fotografiemi [Experiencing Chomoutov – interviews over photographs]
Biograf (73-74): Available at [last access04. 10. 2024]
Zpracování a vydání článku bylo umožněno díky účelové podpoře na specifický vysokoškolský výzkum udělené Ministerstvem školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy ČR Univerzitě Palackého v Olomouci (IGA_FF_2020_015_Sociální vědy 2020).
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