Person's detail
Hana Porkertová
Hana Porkertová received her Ph.D. in sociology at Masaryk University in 2017, having defended a thesis focused on visually impaired experience. Currently, she works as an assistant professor at Mendel University in Brno. Her research draws on qualitative methods, which she innovatively develops together with her colleagues to capture experience not based on vision. To analyze constructions of disability and visual impairment, she uses post-structural approaches, mainly Deleuzo-Guattarian philosophy and actor–network theory. Her most recent work lies at the intersection of sociology and human geography. She has published in the Czech Republic (Czech Sociological Review) and abroad (Critical Sociology) and participates actively in organizing events for professionals and the public with the aim to raise awareness about disability and disability rights.
[Updated: 23. 3. 2023]