Person's detail
Dana Hradcová
Dana Hradcová works at the Department of Applied Social Sciences of the Faculty of Humanities of the Charles University. She is interested in life with dis/ability, empirical ethics and ethnographic collaborative research in the fields of social services and health care. She explores new ways of supporting users of social services and cooperates with non-professional carers.
[Updated: 21. 3. 2023]
Michal Synek
Michal Synek has studied religious studies and sociology. He explores relations between different care repertoires and modes of ordering dis/ability. He works as a senior researcher at the Department of Applied Social Sciences of the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University. He is interested in theoretical problems with practical impact at the intersections of science and technology studies, disability studies, and care studies.
[Updated: 21. 3. 2023]
Monika Bosá
Monika Bosá is an associate professor of social work at the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University in the programme Management and Supervision in Social and Healthcare Organisations. She focuses on feminist social work, feminist sociotherapy and the ethics of care. A co-founder and statutory of the research and educational association EsFem (Prešov), she is the author of the monographs Feminist Roots of Social Work (2013) and Feminisms in Social Work (2014), the college textbook Gender Studies in Social Work (2013) and the Methodological Manual for Working with (Roma) Women (2020).
[Updated: 21. 3. 2023]